Browse Indicators

Indicator title
Percentage of HIV-positive pregnant IDU women who received OST during pregnancy
Coverage of differentiated service delivery antiretroviral therapy models among people living with HIV currently on antiretroviral therapy
Late ART initiation
Percent of HIV-positive pregnant women who received antiretrovirals to reduce risk of mother-to-child-transmission
Sex Before the Age of 15
Multiple Sexual Partnerships
Condom use at last sex among people with multiple sexual partnerships
HIV prevalence from antenatal clinics by age group
(AGYW_PREV) Percentage of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) that completed at least the DREAMS primary package of evidence-based services/interventions
(FPINT_SITE) Number of HIV service delivery points (SDP) at a site supported by PEPFAR that are providing integrated voluntary family planning (FP) services
HIV incidence
(GEND_GBV) Number of people receiving post-gender-based violence (GBV) clinical care based on the minimum package
Estimates of the size of key populations (A–E)
(KP_MAT) Number of people who inject drugs (PWID) on medication-assisted therapy (MAT) for at least 6 months
HIV prevalence among key populations (A-E)
HIV testing and status awareness among key populations (A-D)
(KP_PREV) Number of key populations reached with individual and/or small group-level HIV prevention interventions designed for the target population
(OVC_SERV) Number of beneficiaries served by PEPFAR OVC programs for children and families affected by HIV
Condom use among sex workers
Condom use among gay and other men who have sex with men
Condom use among people who inject drugs
Condom use among transgender people
Antiretroviral medicine stock-outs
(PP_PREV) Number of priority populations (PP) reached with the standardized, evidence-based intervention(s) required that are designed to promote the adoption of HIV prevention behaviors and service uptake
Coverage of HIV prevention programmes among key populations (A–D)
