Browse Indicators

Indicator title
Management of cryptococcal infection
Gender-responsiveness of HIV services
Coverage of differentiated service delivery antiretroviral therapy models among people living with HIV currently on antiretroviral therapy
Discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV among health facility staff
Viral suppression among people living with HIV engaged in differentiated service delivery antiretroviral therapy models
Discriminatory attitudes towards people from key populations among health facility staff
Discriminatory attitudes towards people from key populations among police
HIV incidence
Estimates of the size of key populations (A–E)
HIV prevalence among key populations (A-E)
HIV testing and status awareness among key populations (A-D)
Condom use among sex workers
Condom use among gay and other men who have sex with men
Condom use among people who inject drugs
Condom use among transgender people
Coverage of HIV prevention programmes among key populations (A–D)
HIV prevention programmes in prisons
Safe injecting practices among people who inject drugs
Needles and syringes distributed per person who injects drugs
Coverage of opioid agonist maintenance therapy
People who received pre-exposure prophylaxis
Young people: knowledge about HIV prevention
People living with HIV who know their HIV status
People living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy
People living with HIV who have suppressed viral loads
