Coverage of HIV prevention programmes among key populations (A–D)
Export Indicator
Each sub-indicator is divided in two parts. Please report both parts. Surveys and programme data are considered complementary.
PART I. Behavioral surveillance or other special survey
What it measures
People in key populations who received at least two HIV prevention interventions in the past three months
PART II. Programme data
What it measures
People in key populations who are reached with HIV prevention interventions designed for the intended population
This indicator is divided into four sub-indicators:
A. Coverage of HIV prevention programmes among sex workers
B. Coverage of HIV prevention programmes among gay men and other men who have sex with men
C. Coverage of HIV prevention programmes among people who inject drugs
D. Coverage of HIV prevention programmes among transgender people
Successfully confronting the HIV epidemic requires combining preventive behaviour and antiretroviral therapy. Coverage with evidence-informed prevention programming is a critical component of the response, the importance of which is reflected in the UNAIDS Strategy.
PART I. Behavioral surveillance or other special survey
Number of people in a key population who report receiving two or more of the prevention interventions listed in the past three months
PART II. Programme data
Number of people in a key population reached with HIV prevention interventions designed for the intended population
PART I. Behavioral surveillance or other special survey
Number of people in a key population responding to the survey
PART II. Programme data
Number of people in a key population
PART I. Behavioral surveillance or other special survey
Percentage of respondents who report receiving at least two of the following HIV prevention services from a non-governmental organization, health-care provider or other sources.
- In the past three months, have you been given condoms and lubricant (for example, through an outreach service, drop-in centre or sexual health clinic)?
- In the past three months, have you received counselling on condom use and safe sex (for example, through an outreach service, drop-in centre or sexual health clinic)?
- Have you been tested for sexually transmitted infections in the past three months (sex workers, transgender people and gay men and other men who have sex with men)?
- Have you received new, clean needles or syringes in the past three months (people who inject drugs)?
- For sex workers, gay men and other men who have sex with men and transgender people: number of condoms and lubricants distributed.
- For people who inject drugs: number of needles or syringes distributed.
Plus [1.6.1] Number of service provision sites dedicated to key populations per administrative area.
For the denominator: Validated population size estimate
PART I. Behavioral surveillance or other special survey
Every two years
PART II. Programme data
PART I. Behavioral surveillance or other special survey
- Age (<25 and 25+ years).
- A,C: Gender (male, female and transgender).
- D: gender (transman, transwoman, other).
PART II. Programme data
- Type of provider (public services, key population-led organization, NGOs, or other entities).
Name of the organisation/s. Please indicate the name and URL/website (if available) of the key population-led organization, NGOs, or other entities that are providing these services
PART II. Programme data
Service provision sites designed specifically for one or more key populations demonstrate commitment to deliver context-sensitive services to communities that are often stigmatized. Please provide the total number of such sites and the total number of first-level (e.g., state/province/oblast,) or second-level, (e.g., county/district) administrative areas that have at least one service and the total number in the country. For example, Country A reports 10 needle-syringe programmes across five provinces, and it has seven total provinces.
If known, please report if the site is operated by the national programme (government) or the community (civil society or nongovernmental organization).
Please provide the number of peer outreach workers active at the time of reporting for each key population.
PART I. Behavioral surveillance or other special survey
Survey data provide the opportunity to measure the uptake of multiple intervention services by individuals. Weaknesses associated with survey data relate to any sampling or response bias and the limited geographical coverage of the information.
PART II. Programme data
Tool to set and monitor targets for HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations: Supplement to the 2014 consolidated guidelines for HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care for key populations. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (
Operational Guidelines for Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV Programmes for People who Inject Drugs. In: MEASURE Evaluation [Internet]. Chapel Hill (NC): MEASURE Evaluation; c2019 (