Browse Indicators

Indicator title
Percentage of children aged less than 15 years who are orphans
Number and percentage of HIV-exposed infants who are exclusively breastfeeding at DPT3 visit
Percentage of never married young women and men aged 15-24 who have never had sex [disaggregated by sex (female, male) and age (15-19, 20-24)]
TPT initiation
Educational institutions: rules and guidelines
Advice to STI patients on prevention and referral to HIV testing services
Distribution of feeding practices (exclusive breastfeeding, replacement feeding, mixed feeding/other) for infants born to HIV-infected women at DPT3 visit
Discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV among health facility staff
Retail outlets and services with condoms in stock
HTS self-testing
Basic material needs
Number of eligible clients who received food and/or other nutrition services
Young people using a condom during premarital sex
Young people who have a sexually transmitted infection
Quality-assured blood testing
Number of eligible adults and children who newly initiated antiretroviral therapy (ART) during the reporting period (2012)
Number and percentage of municipalities with at least one human rights network functioning
Appropriate diagnosis and treatment of STIs
Infant ARV prophylaxis coverage
Per Capita Household Expenditures in HIV-affected Households
Condoms that meet quality control measures
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV (modelled)
Percentage of antenatal care attendees positive for syphilis who received treatment
Viral suppression among people living with HIV engaged in differentiated service delivery antiretroviral therapy models
Median age at first sex
