Browse Indicators

Indicator title
Condom use at first sex
Percentage of men who have sex with men with active syphilis
Condom availability for young people
VMMC adverse events
Percentage of children who are orphans
Capacity to provide advanced clinical and psychosocial support services for HIV/AIDS
Education: student illness or death
TPT completion
Number of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) reached with a minimum package of Prevention with PLHIV (PwP) interventions
Number of targeted condom service outlets
Safe sexual behaviour among young people
Number of adults reported with syphilis (primary/secondary and latent/unknown) in the past 12 months
Orphans school attendance
Total attrition from ART
Number of cases of sexually transmitted infections treated
HIV prevalence among pregnant women
Commercial sex in the last year
Infant Nutritional Status
Discriminatory attitudes towards people from key populations among health facility staff
Provision of Therapeutic or Supplementary Food to Undernourished PLHIV
Young people having premarital sex in last year
TB screening coverage among new ART patients
Percentage of men aged 15-49 reporting sex with a sex worker in the last 12 months who used a condom during last paid sexual intercourse [disaggregated by age (15-19, 20-24, 25-49), population group (migrant workers, military, truck drivers, other)]
Life skills-based HIV and sexuality education
ART coverage in breastfeeding mothers
