HIV prevention programmes in prisons
Export Indicator
The number of people in prisons and other closed settings who receive HIV preventive or treatment services while detained.
People in prisons and other closed settings are often at risk for acquiring HIV when they are released and living in the community. This is especially true for people involved with illicit drug use or where selling sex is illegal. Offering HIV prevention and treatment services in prisons can reduce HIV transmission risk both within the prison and in the community on release. A strong national HIV response will include such services to people in prisons and other closed settings.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Routine programme data
Number of prisons offering any HIV prevention or treatment services
Programme data provide a strong picture of services and the burden of HIV among inmates. The indicator informs whether a national programme is taking advantage of serving a readily accessible population at higher risk.
Given the turnover in most prison systems, any programme data provide a snapshot of a given time period. Concerns for confidentiality and the welfare of inmates mitigates against surveys, although they can be useful if they can be conducted safely.
UNODC, ILO, UNDP, WHO, UNAIDS. HIV prevention, treatment and care in prisons and other closed settings: a comprehensive package of interventions.Technical brief update. Vienna: UNODC; 2020 (