Final outcome of PMTCT

Export Indicator

Percentage of HIV-exposed infants whose final outcome status is unknown
What it measures

This indicator measures quality of programme follow-up to track exposed infants and ascertain final status.

  • Effective PMTCT programmes must follow HIV-exposed infants until the end of the breastfeeding period to ensure that the full cascade of services and support is provided to HIV-positive mothers and their infants.
  • The ability to ascertain final outcome status through routine programme data across multiple points of care is a key challenge.

HIV-exposed infants born within the past 12 months (or 24 months in breastfeeding settings) with known final outcome status


Population-based denominator

Estimated number of HIV-positive women who delivered within the past 12 months (or 24 months in breastfeeding settings)

Programme-based denominator

Number of HIV-exposed infants who were born within the 12 months (or 24 months in breastfeeding settings) prior to the reporting period and registered in the birth cohort

Method of measurement

For the numerator and programme-based denominator. Cohort birth tracking

For the population-based denominator: Modelling-based estimates (for example, Spectrum AIM)


Disaggregation of the numerator

  • Outcome status (HIV-positive, HIV-negative, no longer breastfeeding)
Further information

WHO Strategic Information Guidelines, 2020 (

Related Indicators

PMTCT_FO, PEPFAR, MER 2.0 (Version 2.4), September 2019, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (