(FPINT_SITE) Number of HIV service delivery points (SDP) at a site supported by PEPFAR that are providing integrated voluntary family planning (FP) services
Export Indicator
This output indicator aims to measure progress towards integrating voluntary FP within the PEPFAR platform at the service delivery level. It captures information about whether FP integration is occurring at various HIV service delivery points within PEPFAR supported sites. Many PEPFAR sites will have numerous service delivery points within each site. For example, if one hospital receives PEPFAR support for both the HIV treatment department AND the ANC department, then the FPINT_SITE total for that one site is 2 service delivery points.
This indicator will be used to monitor coverage of HIV/FP integration at a global level. Therefore, detailed information on completion of referrals, FP service uptake, types of contraceptive methods offered on site, and other critical components of integrated programs will not be captured through this indicator but should be maintained at the site or programmatic level.
Number of service delivery points supported by PEPFAR that are providing fully integrated voluntary family planning services
Number of total service delivery points at a site supported by PEPFAR
How to review for data quality
FPINT_SITE counts the number of individual service delivery points (SDP) at a site with integrated FP services. It does not count the number of sites that integrate FP services. However, the number of sites can be extrapolated from the SDP data. See the definitions for SDP included above.
Denominator is greater than or equal to the Numerator: The total number of PEPFAR-supported service delivery points (the denominator) must be greater than or equal to the total number of PEPFAR-supported service delivery points that have integrated Family Planning (the numerator). (Note: this denominator is not collected through this indicator, therefore this data quality check would require triangulation with other indicators and additional data sources)
Reporting level
Facility by Service Delivery Point
Numerator Disaggregations:
Disaggregate Groups:
PEPFAR-Supported Service Delivery Point at a site
Note: a service delivery point is NOT the same as a site. There can be numerous service delivery points within one site.
Not collected through the data entry screened, determined by number of sites reporting service delivery area.
Indicator changes (MER 2.0 v2.2 to v2.3):
PEPFAR Support definition
The PEPFAR support categories of DSD and TA-SDI do not apply. To report results for this indicator, it is expected that PEPFAR provides support to the HIV service delivery area
Definition: For this indicator, a “PEPFAR supported site” should include any facility site in the PEPFAR master facility list in DATIM which also reported any programmatic target or result during the same reporting period.
Definition: For this indicator, a “PEPFAR-Supported Service Delivery Point” at a site is a service delivery point that uses PEPFAR funds to provide HIV-related services. It offers one or more HIV-related services including but not limited to: HIV testing and counseling; prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT); anti-retroviral treatment (ART) and TB/HIV services. Examples include different HIV services within clinics, hospitals, health facilities and community-based organizations (government, private or NGO). These can also include fixed locations and/or mobile operations offering routine and/or regularly scheduled services.
Guiding narrative questions: