(PMTCT_ART) Percentage of HIV-positive pregnant women who received ART to reduce the risk of mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT) during pregnancy
(OVC_HIVSTAT) Percentage of orphans and vulnerable children (<18 years old) with HIV status reported to implementing partner
(PMTCT_EID) Percentage of infants born to HIV-positive women who received a first virologic HIV test (sample collected) by 12 months of age
(PMTCT_STAT) (including PMTCT_STAT_POS) Percentage of pregnant women with known HIV status at antenatal care (includes those who already knew their HIV status prior to ANC)
(HTS_TST) (including HTS_TST_POS) Number of individuals who received HIV Testing Services (HTS) and received their test results
(FPINT_SITE) Number of HIV service delivery points (SDP) at a site supported by PEPFAR that are providing integrated voluntary family planning (FP) services
(GEND_GBV) Number of people receiving post-gender-based violence (GBV) clinical care based on the minimum package