Browse Indicators

Indicator title
Knowledge of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV
Coverage of differentiated service delivery antiretroviral therapy models among people living with HIV currently on antiretroviral therapy
Education: teacher attrition rate
Late ART initiation
Health care settings with guidelines and practices for prevention of accidental HIV transmission
Number of the targeted population reached with individual and/or small group level HIV prevention interventions that are primarily focused on abstinence and/or being faithful, and are based on evidence and/or meet the minimum standards required
Forced sex among young people
Orphans living with siblings
Number of men reported with gonorrhoea in the past 12 months
TB diagnosis among those tested for TB
Percentage of children aged less than 15 years who are orphans
Percentage of orphaned and vulnerable children aged 5–17 years who have three basic material needs met
Number and percentage of health care workers newly trained or retrained
Young people’s participation in HIV/AIDS prevention programmes
Infant feeding Status
Adolescent girls and young women HIV/SRH integration
Receipt of Food Security Services
Percentage of children under the age of 18 who are orphans
Life skills-based HIV and sexuality education: orientation process for parents or guardians
TPT initiation
Advice to STI patients on prevention and referral to HIV testing services
Percentage of health facilities that provide virological testing services (e.g. PCR) for diagnosis of HIV in infants on site or from dried blood spots (DBS)
Capacity to provide basic counselling and testing and to manage clinical services for HIV/AIDS
Discriminatory attitudes towards people living with HIV among health facility staff
HTS self-testing
