Amount of bilateral and multilateral financial flows (commitments and disbursements) for the benefit of low- and middle-income countries
Export Indicator
To monitor financial flows (commitments and disbursements) from DAC member countries and multilateral agencies (the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, the UN System and selected Development Banks) to low- and middle-income countries. Four funding streams support the fi nancing of AIDS programmes – bilateral, multilateral, private and domestic fl ows. Bilateral multilateral and private fl ows are referred to as International fl ows.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Annual questionnaire by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD).
1. Sexually transmitted infection control including HIV—all activities related to sexually transmitted diseases and HIV control (Creditor Reporting System code 13040).
2. Official Development Assistance (ODA) and their Offi cial Aid (OA) to low- and middle-income countries.
Age group:
Education: N/A
Gender: N/A
Geographic location: N/A
Pregnancy status: N/A
Sector: N/A
Target: N/A
Time period: N/A
Type of orphan: N/A
Vulnerability status: N/A
The indicator permits cross donor comparability of data.
• This indicator refl ects statistical data on donor assistance to HIV control. It does not capture the private sector flows (international nongovernmental organizations and foundations, and corporate)
• At present the code is limited to interventions within the health sector. Efforts are currently being made to introduce one additional code to account for non-health related donor assistance to HIV/AIDS and to identify HIV/AIDS components in wider programmes. (see footnote)
• The indicator does not distinguish between resources devoted to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment and care, social mitigation and support.
• Trends have shown that some donors include funding for Research and Development in their reporting to the OECD/DAC under the current HIV/AIDS defi nition, this however is not unique to all donors.
For these reasons, the indicator is likely to be an under-estimate of total donor assistance to HIV/AIDS and fl uctuations in the indicator will refl ect variations in response to the survey due to refi nement of the current methodology.
One additional CRS code covering social mitigation of HIV/AIDS (provision of social and legal assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS: special programmes to address social consequences of HIV/AIDS) is presently under consideration with the OECD, Development Co-operation Directorate (DCD), DAC – Working Party on Statistics. The Working Party is also discussing a multiple purpose code system. This would allow for the identifi cation of HIV/AIDS related activities within wider health and other programmes.