TPT completion

Export Indicator

Percentage of people living with HIV on ART who completed a course of TB preventative treatment among those who initiated TPT
What it measures

This indicator measures the effectiveness of scaled-up TPT programmes by assessing the proportion of patients who completed the recommended course of TPT.

  • Many countries have made progress in initiating eligible people living with HIV on TPT. However, rates of TPT completion remain poor or unknown.
  • Assessment of TPT completion is a critical element of the TB/HIV cascade of services.

Number of ART patients who completed a course* of TPT during the reporting period

Note: For programmes using continuous isoniazid preventative therapy (IPT), TPT completion is defined as 6 months of treatment.


Number of ART patients who initiated any course of TPT during the previous reporting period

Method of measurement

For the numerator and denominator. Programme records (for example, ART registers)

Defining "previous reporting period": For example, for annual reporting of January to December 2020, the previous reporting period is January to December 2019 (except for programmes with 1HP-exclusive national guidelines and implementation, in which case they may use January to December 2020). For quarterly or semi-annual reporting to the national level, the previous reporting period will depend on the TPT regimen and duration defined by national guidelines.

  • Gender (male, female, transgender)
  • Age (<15, 15+)
  • Type of TPT regimen
  • ART initiation (<12 months on ART, 12+ months on ART).

Additional or alternative disaggregation may be appropriate in some settings, depending on HIS capacity.

Further information

WHO Strategic Information Guidelines, 2020 (

Related Indicators

TB_PREV, PEPFAR, MER 2.0 (Version 2.4), September 2019, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (