VMMC adverse events
Export Indicator
This indicator measures whether the scale-up of services for male circumcisions meet national standards of safety and effectiveness.
- Staff conducting medical circumcisions must have appropriate training and access to proper equipment.
- Trends in adverse events may indicate where service providers need additional support.
Number of males experiencing at least one moderate or severe adverse event (that is, complications resulting in death or hospitalization within 30 days or permanent disability) during or following circumcision surgery in the reporting period
Number of men undergoing voluntary medical male circumcision during the reporting period
For the numerator. Programme records (for example VMMC registers).
Intraoperative adverse events may include pain, excessive bleeding, anaesthesia-related effects, excessive skin removal, damage to the penis, sharps injury to personnel. Postoperative adverse events may include abnormal pain, excessive swelling, infection, haematoma, bleeding, difficulty urinating, wound disruption, scar or disfigurement, injury to glans, excessive skin removal.
- Age (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-49, 50+)
- Timing of adverse event (intraoperative, postoperative)
- Service site.
WHO Strategic Information Guidelines, 2020 (https://indicatorregistry.unaids.org/sites/default/files/9789240000735-eng.pdf)