HTS self-testing

Export Indicator

Number of individual HIV self-test (HIVST) kits distributed
What it measures

This indicator measures trends in the distribution of HIVST kits within a country at the lowest distribution point.

  • Self-testing is an increasingly common mode of HIV testing that is not captured in other indicators of HTS coverage.
  • Monitoring the implementation of this type of testing among target populations will help programme managers track progress and forecast the need for supportive services such as linking clients to confirmatory testing and/or ART, as needed, as well as commodity supply chain needs.

Number of individual HIVST kits distributed

Method of measurement

HIV self-testing register or logbook. The number of individual HIVST kits distributed, rather than the number of individuals receiving HIVST kits, should be counted. To prevent double counting, data should be recorded at the lowest distribution point, that is, the site or individual giving self-test kits to those who are self-testing.

The recommended reporting period is quarterly/every 3 months.

  • Gender (male, female, transgender)
  • Age (10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50+)
    • Note: Age of consent to self-test varies by country context, which may require adaptation.
  • In all settings: key populations (men who have sex with men, people living in prisons and other closed settings, people who inject drugs, sex workers, transgender people) and other priority populations
  • In high burden settings, in addition to the above: adolescent girls and young women
  • HIVST approach, as specified by national programme. For example, community-based, facility-based, secondary distribution (for example, by index case, key population member, ANC client)
  • HIVST distribution by type of sites, as specified by national programme (for example, community outreach, door-to-door, mobile, workplace, antenatal clinic, primary care, outpatient department, STI clinic, family planning clinic)
  • HIVST distributed for use by: self, sex partner, drug injecting partner, social contact, other
Further information