Number of eligible clients who received food and/or other nutrition services
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This indicator measures how many clients receive supplemental food, food security support and/or nutrition services, including therapeutic or supplementary food for OVC whose HIV status is negative or unknown.
Results from the indicator provide information about the extent that food support is reaching vulnerable clients and where gaps may exist. It can be used to plan interventions and allocation of resources for food and nutrition. This indicator may also be used for reporting to the U.S. Congress on the number of clients benefiting from PEPFAR-supported food supplementation.
Number of clients who received food and/or nutrition services during the reporting period
Not applicable
The numerator can be generated by counting the total number of clients who received supplemental food (for nutritionally vulnerable clients), therapeutic and supplementary food for OVC whose HIV status is negative or unknown, food security support and/or nutrition services during the reporting period.
Clients that receive supplemental food for OVC whose HIV status is negative or unknown, food security support and/or nutrition services more than once during the reporting period should only be counted one time. In order to avoid double counting, countries will need to monitor their activities by partner, programmatic area, and geographic area. The numerator should equal the number of clients who received supplemental, therapeutic, and supplementary food, food security support, and/or nutrition services. It is strongly recommended that these services be provided based a nutrition needs assessment that may include anthropometric assessment, biochemical assessment, clinical assessment of nutritional status, dietary assessment, and food security assessment.
For the purposes of reporting on this indicator, individuals receiving at least one of the following food and/or nutrition services should be counted:
• Supplemental food support for nutritionally vulnerable children (OVC)
• Therapeutic and supplementary food for clinically malnourished orphans and vulnerable children whose HIV status is negative or unknown. (Note: OVC who are HIV positive and receiving therapeutic or supplementary food should be counted in Indicator C2.3.D).
• Supplemental food support for nutritionally vulnerable PMTCT clients
• Micronutrient supplements
• Nutrition counseling
• Promotion of optimal infant and young child feeding
• Services to improve food security
• School and after-care feeding
• Household and community gardens
In the absence of unique IDs and electronic monitoring systems it would be challenging to avoid double-counting of clients that receive food supplementation and/or nutrition services more than once during the reporting period. Effort should be made to avoid double-counting at the program level.
*Note: Therapeutic and supplementary feeding for severe malnutrition of HIV-positive individuals should be counted under indicator C2.3.D (See reference sheet for complete definition). If, HIV-positive individuals are receiving additional food services defined by this indicator, they may be counted in this indicator. For example, HIV-positive persons receiving services to improve food security or benefiting from household and community gardens may be counted here. OVCs known HIV positive and receiving therapeutic or supplementary food should be counted in Indicator C2.3.D.
Recommended Males
Recommended Females
Essential/reported <18, 18+ years of age
Essential/reported Pregnant or lactating women
Recommended < 24 months, 24-59 months, 5-17 years
Recommended By service type: Food
Recommended By service type: Nutrition services
Recommended By service type: Food security support (Non-food)
Age group: < (less than) 18 years, < (less than) 24 months, 5 years - 17 years, > (greater than) 18 years, 24 months - 59 months
Condom type: N/A
Education: N/A
Gender: Male, Female
Geographic location: N/A
HIV status: N/A
Pregnancy status: Pregnant
Sector: N/A
Service Type: N/A
Target: N/A
Time period: N/A
Type of orphan: N/A
Type/Timing of testing: N/A
Vulnerability status: N/A
It is important to note that the indicator includes a variety of types of food support, including supplemental feeding, addressing food insecurity among PMTCT women and OVC, and other food related services. These are distinct food interventions with distinct objectives, and the total indicator does not provide information about coverage of each individually.
If this indicator is compared across countries, it is important to note that different countries and programs may use different types of foods and possibly even different entry and exit criteria for food support. Also, the indicator provides information about the number of clients receiving food and/or nutrition services, but not about the proportion of total clients receiving such food and/or nutrition services, the duration of support provided to clients, drop-out rates, quality of the foods, quality of nutrition services, or existence of complementary interventions with the food; additional alternative types of studies would be need to be conducted to collect the information needed to understand these factors.