Percentage of never married young women and men aged 15-24 who have never had sex [disaggregated by sex (female, male) and age (15-19, 20-24)]

Export Indicator

Percentage of never married young women and men aged 15-24 who have never had sex, disaggregated by sex (female, male) and age (15-19, 20-24).  
What it measures

This indicator measures the percentage of never married young people surveyed who report they have never had sex (i.e., the self-reported prevalence of virginity among young people).


Abstinence and delayed sexual initiation can help young people protect themselves against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
Looking at this prevalence within narrow age ranges (15-16, 17-18, 19-20, 21-22, and 23-24, or by age years) over time allows programme managers to assess if the age at first sex is changing.


Number of never married young women and men who have never had sexual intercourse.


Number of never married young women and men aged 15-24 surveyed.


Number of never married young women and men aged 15-24 who have never had
sexual intercourse
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100
Number of never married young women and men aged 15-24 surveyed

Method of measurement

The numerator is measured by asking never married male and female survey respondents aged 15-24 if they have ever had sexual intercourse. If they answer no to this question, then they are counted in the numerator.
The denominator includes all male and female survey respondents aged 15-24 who were never married, including those that are co-habiting.

Measurement frequency



Age group: 15 years - 19 years, 20 years - 24 years

Gender: Male, Female

Explanation of the numerator
Explanation of the denominator
Strengths and weaknesses

This indicator describes the extent to which young women and men have maintained their virginity and it provides a sense of when young people are initiating sexual activity. In some settings, the proportion of those aged 20-24 who are never married will be very low, at least among women, and it may not be appropriate to construct the indicator for this age group in these settings.

Further information