Percentage of antenatal care attendees positive for syphilis who received treatment
Export Indicator
Percentage of antenatal care attendees during a specified period with a positive syphilis serology who were treated adequately.
Treatment of antenatal care attendees positive for syphilis is a direct measure of the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of syphilis programme efforts and efforts to strengthen primary HIV prevention.
Number of antenatal care attendees with a positive syphilis serology who received at least one dose of benzathine penicillin 2.4 mU IM
Number of antenatal care attendees with a positive syphilis serology
Numerator / Denominator
How to measure: Data should be collected annually. Seropositivity on either treponemal or non-treponemal test is sufficient for being considered positive for syphilis for this indicator.
Measurement tools: Ideally national programme records aggregated from health facility data should be used. However, if national programme data are not available, data from sentinel surveillance or special studies can be reported if it is felt to be representative of the national situation. Please specify the source and coverage of your data (for example, national programme data from all 12 provinces) in the "Comments" section.
Data Quality Control and Notes for the Reporting Tool: If the data you are providing does not cover the entire country, please comment.
Strengths: Data on treatment of syphilis in antenatal care attendees is often routinely monitored in health facilities.
Weaknesses: Collection of treatment data may require collaboration with MCH programmes to ensure that it is available at a national level.
Additional considerations:
For purposes of this indicator, documentation of a single dose of penicillin is sufficient. Treatment of a pregnant woman positive for syphilis with a single injection of 2.4 mU benzathine penicillin prior to 24 weeks gestational age is sufficient to prevent transmission of syphilis from mother to infant. However, three injections spaced at weekly intervals are recommended to treat latent syphilis and prevent tertiary syphilis in the mother.
Data utilization:
Global/regional/local: Estimate programme effectiveness in reducing syphilis-associated perinatal morbidity and mortality.
Local: Identify areas in need of assistance with programme implementation or additional resources.
All levels: Knowledge of treatment policies and practices should be used to assist with interpretation of trends in treatment.
Other References: Recommended indicator in "National-Level Monitoring of the Achievement of Universal Access to Reproductive Health: Conceptual and practical considerations and related indicators"; recommended indicator in "Methods for Surveillance and Monitoring of Congenital Syphilis Elimination within Existing Systems".