TPT initiation

Export Indicator

Number and percentage of eligible people living with HIV on ART who initiated TB preventative treatment
What it measures

This indicator measures the extent to which people on ART initiated treatment for latent TB infection.

  • TB preventative treatment (TPT) is a critical component of preventing TB-related morbidity and mortality among people living with HIV.
  • Recent guidelines have expanded the eligibility criteria for people living with HIV to be started on TPT.
  • In the wake of recent high-level global commitments and targets, this is a critical period to track the progress that countries have made in scaling up TPT coverage.

Number of ART patients who initiated TPT during the reporting period


Number of ART patients who are eligible for TPT during the reporting period

Method of measurement

For the numerator. Programme records (for example, ART registers)

For the denominator. Formula for determining the number of ART patients who are eligible for TPT during the reporting period:

Number of people living with HIV on ART at end of last reporting period

[minus] number of notified HIV-positive TB patients in last reporting period

[also minus, where possible] number of people living with HIV who previously received TPT - actual, if available, or based on country estimate

[also minus, where possible] number/estimate of people living with HIV not eligible for TPT due to co-morbidities, including active hepatitis, chronic alcoholism, and/or neuropathy

  • Gender (male, female, transgender)
  • Age (<5; 5-15; 15+)
  • Type of TPT regimen
  • ART initiation (new on ART in the last 12 months, on ART >12 months)

Additional or alternative disaggregation may be appropriate in some settings, depending on HIS capacity.

Further information

WHO Strategic Information Guidelines, 2020 (

Related Indicators

10.3 People living iwth HIV who started tuberculosis preventive therapy, Global AIDS Monitoring 2020: Indicators for monitoring the 2016 Political Declaration on Ending AIDS (