Browse Indicators

Indicator title
HIV prevention programmes in prisons
(PrEP_NEW) Number of individuals who were newly enrolled on oral antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to prevent HIV infection in the reporting period
Safe injecting practices among people who inject drugs
Needles and syringes distributed per person who injects drugs
(TB_PREV) Proportion of ART patients who started on a standard course of TB Preventive Treatment (TPT) in the previous reporting period who completed therapy
Coverage of opioid agonist maintenance therapy
People who received pre-exposure prophylaxis
Prevalence of male circumcision
Annual number of males voluntarily circumcised
Condom use at last high-risk sex
Annual number of condoms distributed
Young people: knowledge about HIV prevention
(VMMC_CIRC) Number of males circumcised as part of the voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention program within the reporting period
Negative manifestations of HIV-related stigma (Not Final)
Fear of HIV transmission through casual contact with a person living with HIV (Not Final)
Health Facility Staff: Institutional Policies (Tier 1)
Health Facility Staff: Enforcement of Institutional Policies (Tier 2)
Health Facility Staff: Fear of HIV Infection (Tier 1)
Health Facility Staff: Attitudes and Opinions (Tier 1)
Health Facility Staff: Observed Enacted Stigma (Tier 1 for High HIV Prevalence and Tier 2 for Low HIV or Concentrated Prevalence Settings)
Health Facility Staff: Unnecessary Precautions and Measures (Tier 2)
Health Facility Staff: Staff Needs and Support (Tier 2)
People living with HIV who know their HIV status
(CXCA_SCRN) (including CXCA_SCRN_POS) Percentage of HIV-positive women on ART screened for cervical cancer
People living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy
