Viral hepatitis among key populations
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Comorbidity with HIV and potential need for appropriate treatment
Appreciation of hepatitis and HIV coinfection has improved recently. Many people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy are dying from liver disease resulting from untreated viral hepatitis. HIV treatment regimens can be adjusted to treat chronic hepatitis B infection as well. New, highly effective hepatitis C treatment is available and has a high rate of virus clearance regardless of hepatitis C virus subtype. Measuring the hepatitis burden among key populations living with HIV can help national planners determine the resources needed to address the syndemic.
Number of people in a key population who test positive for antibody to hepatitis C virus
Number of people in a key population who test positive for hepatitis B surface antigen
Number of people in a key population who also test positive for HIV together with one of the above
Number of respondents tested for both HIV and one or both of hepatitis B and C
Behavioural surveillance or other special surveys.
Every two years
- For people who inject drugs: Age (<25 and 25+ years).
- For people who inject drugs: Gender (male, female and transgender).
- Key population (sex workers, gay men and other men who have sex with men and transgender people).
If the testing algorithm is available for hepatitis C screening, please include this information, especially if complementary or PCR testing is conducted.
Probability-based estimates of coinfection with HIV and hepatitis C virus or HIV and hepatitis B virus among key populations are generally unavailable, although several biobehavioural surveys have conducted hepatitis antibody testing. Improving knowledge about coinfection will help to improve treatment programmes and help to maximize the survival of the affected populations. The numbers of people coinfected are likely to be small, with the possible exception of people who inject drugs, so the confidence intervals will be large.