(TB_ART) Proportion of HIV-positive new and relapsed TB cases on ART during TB treatment
Export Indicator
This indicator will measure the extent to which programs effectively link HIV-infected TB patients to appropriate HIV treatment. The HIV status of TB patients is often determined at the TB clinics (and will be captured with TB_STAT), but ART for TB cases is frequently provided by the HIV program. Therefore, provision of ART for this population often implies successful linkage between the TB and HIV program, which should be followed from TB_STAT_POS to TB_ART.
Number of TB cases with documented HIV- positive status who start or continue ART during the reporting period
TB_STAT_POS (see TB_STAT): Number of registered TB cases with documented HIV- positive status during the reporting period
How to collect:
The numerator is generated by counting the total number of TB patients (new and relapse TB cases) with documented HIV-positive status during TB treatment who are newly initiated or already on ART.
How to review for data quality:
Only one disaggregation type is used for age/sex. Numerator ≥ subtotal of each of the disaggregation
Reporting Level: Facility
The numerator is generated by counting the total number of TB patients (new and relapse TB cases) with documented HIV- positive status during TB treatment who are newly initiated or already on ART
Denominator is not collected as part of this indicator, but is TB_STAT_POS
PEPFAR Support definition:
Standard definition of DSD and TA-SDI used.
Provision of key staff or commodities for TB cases receiving HIV-related services includes: funding of test kits, ARVs, ARTs, and lab commodities or funding of salaries or provision of Health Care Workers for TB/HIV-related services. Staff responsible for maintaining patient records are included in this category however staff responsible for fulfilling reporting and routine M&E requirements are not included.
Ongoing support for TB cases receiving HIV-related services includes: training of TB/HIV service providers, clinical mentoring and supportive supervision of staff at TB/HIV sites, infrastructure/renovation of facilities, support of TB/HIV service data collection, reporting, data quality, QI/QA of TB/HIV services support, ARV consumption forecasting and supply management, support of lab clinical monitoring of patients, supporting patient follow up/retention, support of other TB/HIV programs.
Guiding narrative questions:
- If % coverage for TB_ART / TB_STAT_POS is less than 90%, please explain why.
- Describe the sources for the data that you are reporting (i.e., are the data from just PEPFAR-supported facilities or do the data reflect national-level data, including those from non-PEPFAR supported facilities)? As above, please describe the sources of the data you are reporting.