Syphilis among pregnant women
Export Indicator
Percentage of women accessing antenatal care services who were tested for syphilis, tested positive and were treated
What it measures
A. Percentage of women attending antenatal care services who received syphilis testing.
B. Percentage of women attending antenatal care services who received syphilis testing and who had a positive syphilis serology.
C. Percentage of women attending antenatal care services who had a positive syphilis serology and who were treated adequately.
Testing (screening) coverage, the prevalence of syphilis in women attending antenatal care services, and treatment coverage are all key indicators for assessing a country’s progress towards eliminating vertical transmission5 of syphilis. At the country level, these data can be used to identify areas with the greatest need for comprehensive congenital syphilis prevention interventions. At the global level, these data are also used to estimate the perinatal
mortality and morbidity caused by syphilis that could be averted with effective programmes to eliminate vertical transmission of syphilis.
A. Testing all pregnant women for syphilis early in pregnancy is important for the pregnant woman’s health and that of the foetus. This indicator alsocontributes to monitoring the quality of antenatal care and services to prevent sexually transmitted infections (including HIV) among pregnant women.
B. The prevalence of syphilis in antenatal care attendees can be used to highlight areas within a country that require additional support, and it may provide early warning of potential changes in HIV and sexually transmitted infection transmission in the general population. The data are also an important source of information for generating national, regional and global incidence and prevalence estimates for syphilis and congenital syphilis.
C. Treating antenatal care attendees who test positive for syphilis is essential for reducing vertical transmission of syphilis.
A. Number of women attending antenatal care services who were tested for syphilis.
B. Number of women attending antenatal care services who tested positive for syphilis.
C. Number of women attending antenatal care services with a positive syphilis test who received at least one dose of benzathine penicillin 2.4 million units intramuscularly.
A. Number of women attending antenatal care services.
B. Number of women attending antenatal care services who were tested for syphilis.
C. Number of women attending antenatal care services who tested positive for syphilis.
Numerator/denominator (for A, B and C, respectively)
Method of measurement
A. All pregnant women should be tested for syphilis at their first antenatal care visit. Ideally, countries will report on testing at every visit (including the first one). Countries unable to distinguish the first visit from testing at any visit should still report data on this indicator, but they should ensure that it is clearly reported as data for any visit. This indicator should be measured annually.
Testing (screening) may be done using either a nontreponemal test (e.g., venereal disease research laboratory [VDRL] or rapid plasma reagin [RPR]) or a treponemal test (e.g., Treponema pallidum haemagglutination assay [TPHA], Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay [TPPA], enzyme immunoassay or rapid treponemal test). For this indicator, having either type of test (treponemal or nontreponemal) is sufficient, although being
tested with both is preferred.
Ideally, national programme records aggregated from health-facility data should be used. However, if such data are not available, data from sentinel surveillance or special studies can be reported. Specify the source and coverage of your data (e.g., national programme data from all 12 provinces) in the comments section.
B. Syphilis positivity can either be a positive treponemal test, a reactive nontreponemal test or a combination of both. It is important to report the testing (screening) algorithm generally used in the country. The type of test is factored into data analysis. For this indicator (intended to measure seropositivity), reporting positivity based on a single test result is acceptable. If both treponemal and nontreponemal test results on an individual person are available, then syphilis positivity should be defined as having positive results in both tests.
The following sources of data may be used: national programme records aggregated from health-facility data, sentinel surveillance or special surveys. In the comments section, specify the source and coverage of your data: for example, sentinel surveillance of all antenatal care attendees in two of 10 provinces.
Countries are encouraged to use unique identifiers or registries that separate first and subsequent tests to avoid double counting and that reflect the true prevalence or incidence of syphilis rather than test positivity. Please specify the source and coverage of your data in the comments section.
C. Pregnant women with positive syphilis serology should be treated with benzathine penicillin, ideally on the same day as they are tested in order to prevent vertical transmission. For the purposes of this indicator, documentation of a single dose of penicillin is sufficient. Treatment of syphilis in pregnant women should be based on national treatment guidelines. Knowledge of treatment policies and practices should be used to interpret trends in treatment.
Please specify the source and coverage of your data in the comments section.
Measurement frequency
- Tested at any visit, tested at first visit.
- Age (15–24 and 25+ years).
Additional information requested
Please provide information on the type of test used most frequently at the first testing visit and whether a confirmatory test is done. If a confirmatory test is done, please state the proportion of women who receive a confirmatory test. Please also comment on whether the data you provide are deemed to be representative of the entire country and whether data from private providers of antenatal care are included in the data reported. Submit the digital version of any available survey reports using the upload tool.
If available, please provide data on the stage of pregnancy when a woman receives testing, and on the time between testing and treatment.
Strengths and weaknesses
Programmes that test pregnant women separately for syphilis and HIV should collaborate to align and enhance the effectiveness of their work.
Preventing congenital syphilis requires testing early in pregnancy, since stillbirth may occur in the second trimester. Knowing that women are being tested late in pregnancy indicates that women are not accessing antenatal care early or that testing is not occurring early in pregnancy.
Knowledge of testing practices within the country (such as the proportion of treponemal versus nontreponemal testing used) and any changes over time are key to interpreting disease trends.
Further information
WHO guidelines on syphilis screening and treatment of pregnant women. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 (
Dual HIV/syphilis rapid diagnostic tests can be used as the first test in antenatal test. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019 (
Consolidated guidelines on person-centred HIV strategic information: strengthening routine data for impact. Geneva: World Health Organization, 2022 (
Global guidance on criteria and processes for validation: elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B virus. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021 (
Framework for monitoring sexually transmitted infections and strengthening surveillance. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2024 (
Analysis and use of health facility data: guidance for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health programme managers. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2023 (
Unemo M, Cole M, Lewis D, Ndowa F, Van Der Pol B, Wi T, editors. Laboratory and point-of-care diagnostic testing for sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2023 (
Updated recommendations for the treatment of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis and Treponema pallidum (syphilis), and new recommendations on syphilis testing and partner services. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2024 (