(PMTCT_ART_NAT) Percentage of HIV-positive pregnant women who received antiretroviral medicine (ARV) during pregnancy to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission
Export Indicator
The risk of mother-to-child transmission can be significantly reduced by providing ARVs for the mother during pregnancy and delivery, with antiretroviral prophylaxis for the infant, and antiretroviral medicines to the mother or child if breastfeeding, and the use of safe delivery practices and safer infant feeding. The data will be used to track progress towards global and national goals of eliminating mother-to-child transmission; to inform policy and strategic planning; for advocacy; and for leveraging resources for accelerated scale-up. It will help measure trends in coverage of antiretroviral prophylaxis and treatment, and when disaggregated by regimen type, will also assess progress in implementing more effective antiretroviral therapy regimens. As the indicator usually measures ARVs dispensed and not those consumed, it is not possible to determine adherence to the regimen in most cases.
This indicator is harmonized with GAM indicator “Percentage of pregnant women living with HIV who received antiretroviral medicine to reduce the risk of MTCT of HIV.”
Number of HIV-positive pregnant women who delivered and received ARV to reduce the risk of mother-to- child transmission during pregnancy and delivery.
Estimated number of HIV-positive pregnant women
How to collect:
For the numerator: the source of this information is national program records aggregated from program monitoring tools, such as patient registers and summary reporting forms. The numerator can be generated by counting the number of HIV-positive pregnant women who received antiretrovirals to reduce MTCT in the reporting period, by regimen.
For the denominator: Two methods can be used to estimate the denominator: an estimation model, such as Spectrum, using the output, number of pregnant women needing PMTCT; or, if Spectrum estimates are not available, by multiplying the number of women giving birth in the past 12 months (which can be obtained from estimates of the central statistics office, UN Population Division or pregnancy registration systems) by the most recent national estimate of HIV prevalence in pregnant women (which can be derived from HIV sentinel surveillance in ANC and appropriate adjustments related to coverage of ANC surveys).
Reporting level: National and Sub-national: Data should be entered for all SNUs, regardless of PEPFAR- funded support for these geographical areas; so that the total of the sub-national number should equal the total number of national number.
Reporting frequency: Annually
Indicator changes (MER 2.0 v2.3 to v2.4): None
Data entered by: This data should be entered in DATIM by the USG country team.
Guiding narrative questions:
- Narratives should include information on how national and subnational totals have been derived for both results and targets.
- Provide context for low PMTCT_ART coverage (PMTCT_ART_NAT / PMTCT_STAT_POS_NAT = ART coverage) by geographic area or partner/implementing mechanism, including any planned activities/remedial actions.