Percentage of pregnant women attending antenatal care (ANC) whose male partner was tested for HIV in the last 12 months

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Percentage of pregnant women attending antenatal care (ANC) whose male partner was tested for HIV in the last 12 months
What it measures

The percentage of pregnant women attending antenatal care whose male partner was tested during their female partner’s pregnancy in the past 12 months.


Male involvement is a critical element in providing family-focused services to HIV-infected pregnant mothers, their infants and family members. It is also important in the prevention of HIV infection and can help couples who are seronegative to remain seronegative.
Partner testing is the first step in involving the male partner, regardless of the couple’s HIV status.


Number of pregnant women attending antenatal care whose male partner was tested in the last 12 months


Number of pregnant women attending antenatal care


Numerator / Denominator

Method of measurement

The numerator can be calculated from national programme records compiled from facility registers.
Male partners can be tested with the woman at the first antenatal care visit or at a follow-up visit or tested alone on a separate visit, such as a day reserved for male partner testing.

Data can be aggregated from antenatal care or testing and counselling register, depending on the context.

All public, private and nongovernmental organization-run health facilities that provide antenatal care services should be included.

If feasible, programmes may consider collecting data on whether or not the male and female partner disclosed their HIV status to each other in the presence of a clinic staff member.

Data Quality Control and Notes for the Reporting Tool: Please provide any comments that would help us interpret the representativeness of the data. If the number of discordant couples is easily available, please provide data in the comments section with any supporting comments.

Measurement frequency


Explanation of the numerator
Explanation of the denominator
Strengths and weaknesses

This indicator allows countries to monitor efforts at increasing testing of male partners of pregnant women attending ANC services. It does not measure whether the male partner received his result or any follow-up services.
The indicator does not take into account ANC clients that have more than one partner or that may change partners over time. It also may not include partners that received HIV testing at non-ANC settings and which are not linked to ANC (e.g. general VCT or provider initiated testing).
Not all sites may be collecting data on male partner testing or routinely aggregating and reporting the data. Measuring this indicator may require additional investment and resources to revise data collection tools and summary reporting forms.

Additional considerations:
Although testing male partners is an important tool for increasing male involvement and preventing infection during pregnancy, it is also a critical entry point into ongoing and family focused care for the man. Health providers should ensure and document that appropriate follow-up services are provided to all male partners who
test HIV-positive, as part of a comprehensive care and treatment programme.

Data utilization: Interpret based on country context and applicability. Discuss how to increase

Further information

Other references: PMTCT Additional Indicator # A-3