Percentage of health facilities with post-exposure prophylaxis available [disaggregated by exposure (occupational, non-occupational) and sector (public, private)]
Export Indicator
This indicator measures the availability of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in health facilities.
PEP reduces the probability of HIV infection after exposure to potentially HIV-infected blood or body fluids. For maximum effectiveness, PEP should be provided within hours after exposure. PEP may be provided following occupational exposure (for example, in healthcare facilities) or non-occupational exposure (such as after sexual assault).
Within the health sector, PEP should be provided as part of a comprehensive standard precautions package that reduces staff and patient exposure to infectious hazards in health care settings. PEP for non-occupational exposure should be considered for sexual assault survivors, particularly in high HIV prevalence countries.
Number of health facilities with PEP available for those who are at risk of HIV infection through occupational and/or non-occupational exposure to HIV.
Total number of health facilities.
Number of health facilities with PEP available
------------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100
Total number of health facilities
The numerator is calculated by summing of the number of facilities reporting availability of PEP services. Information on the availability of specific services is usually kept at the national or sub-national level. National AIDS Programmes should have a record of all health facilities that provide PEP services. A health facility census or survey can also provide this information, along with more in-depth information on available services, provided the information is collected from a representative sample of health facilities in the country. One potential limitation to facility surveys or censuses is that they are usually only conducted once every few years. Countries should regularly update their programme records on the availability of PEP services in health facilities, and supplement these data with those obtained through a health facility survey or census every few years.
The denominator is calculated by summing the total number of health facilities included in the sample. Information for construction of the denominator may come from programme records, facility listings, and/or national strategy or planning documents.
Sector: Private, Public
Type of orphan: N/A
This indicator provides valuable information about the availability of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) in health facilities, but it does not capture the type and quality of PEP services provided. The full range of PEP services includes first aid, counselling, HIV testing, provision of ARVs, and patient follow-up and support. Simple monitoring of PEP availability through programme records does not ensure that all PEP-related services are adequately provided to those who need them. Nevertheless, it is important to know what percentage of health facilities provide PEP services in order to plan for service expansion as needed.