Number of cases of sexually transmitted infections treated

Export Indicator

Number of cases of sexually transmitted infections treated The following sexually transmitted infections have been shown to be important co-factors for HIV transmission or acquisition and should therefore be considered for the assessment: curable genital
What it measures

Similar types of behavior put people at risk for both sexually transmitted infections and HIV. People
with sexually transmitted infections may be at higher risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV infection
due to the co-factor effect of an existing sexually transmitted infection. Services for sexually transmitted
infections provide opportunities for comprehensive care that includes early treatment; counseling and
communication about behavior change and information for sexual partners; access to testing for HIV
infection; and an entry point into care programs for people living with HIV. Treating sexually transmitted
infections quickly and effectively reduces the possibility of further transmission of infection.


Number of cases of sexually transmitted infections (determined syndromically or
etiologically) identified at selected facilities that were treated


Not applicable

Method of measurement

Tools: program records
Frequency: quarterly
Disaggregation: By sex (male, female) and age

To assess whether sexually transmitted infections have been treated according to national guidelines, a
health facility survey should be performed. In this case, the indicator would be defined as follows.
Numerator: Number of cases of sexually transmitted infections treated according to national guidelines
Denominator: Total number of cases of sexually transmitted infections at selected facilities
health facility surveys in a selection of facilities
Frequency: every two to three years

Measurement frequency

Condom type: N/A

Education: N/A

Gender: Male, Female

Geographic location: N/A

HIV status: N/A

Pregnancy status: N/A

Sector: N/A

Service Type: N/A

Target: N/A

Time period: N/A

Type of orphan: N/A

Type/Timing of testing: N/A

Vulnerability status: N/A

Explanation of the numerator
Explanation of the denominator
Strengths and weaknesses
Further information