Number and percentage of young people aged 10–24 years reached by life skills–based HIV education in schools
Export Indicator
This indicator is intended to measure the level of coverage of life skills–based HIV education and
communication in a school setting, as an important and effective method of teaching behavior to young
people that helps them deal with the challenges and demands of everyday life. When adapted specifically
for HIV education in schools, a life skills–based approach helps young people to understand and assess
the individual, social and environmental factors that raise and lower the risk of HIV transmission. When
properly implemented, it can positively affect behavior, including delaying sexual debut and reducing
the number of sexual partners. Life skills include decision-making and problem-solving skills, creative
and critical thinking, self-awareness, communication, negotiation and interpersonal relations.
Number of young people reached through any effort to affect change, including peer
education, class room, small group, and/or one-on-one information, education and communication or
behavior change communication to promote change in behavior in a school setting
Number of young people attending targeted schools
Numerator / Denominator
The data can be collected through program monitoring reports of implementing partners. These records
are compiled and aggregated to obtain an overall measure of the number of young people reached by
HIV education based on a life skills–based approach in schools. When an indicator is based on program
data, an attempt to address the issue of double counting during the reference period should be made.
Condom type: N/A
Education: N/A
Gender: N/A
Geographic location: N/A
HIV status: N/A
Pregnancy status: N/A
Sector: N/A
Service Type: N/A
Target: N/A
Time period: N/A
Type of orphan: N/A
Type/Timing of testing: N/A
Vulnerability status: N/A