HCV screening coverage

Export Indicator

Percentage of people living with HIV on ART who were screened for hepatitis C during the reporting period
What it measures

This indicator measures the coverage of hepatitis C screening among people living with HIV and on ART.

  • Hepatitis C is an important co-morbidity in many countries with HIV epidemics.
  • Screening for hepatitis C among people living with HIV is an essential means of defining disease burden and the first step in access to HCV treatment for eligible patients.

Number of people living with HIV on ART who were screened for hepatitis C (with HCV antibody (Ab) testing followed by confirmatory testing with either HCV RNA (viral load) or HCV core antigen testing among those HCV Ab-positive) during the reporting period.


Number of people living with HIV on ART during the reporting period

Method of measurement

For the numerator and denominator. Programme records (for example, ART registers, EMRs)

  • Gender (male, female, transgender)
  • Age (<15, 15+).
Further information

WHO Strategic Information Guidelines, 2020 (https://indicatorregistry.unaids.org/sites/default/files/9789240000735-eng.pdf)

Related Indicators

10.6 Hepatitis C testing, Global AIDS Monitoring 2020: Indicators for monitoring the 2016 Political Declaration on Ending AIDS (https://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/media_asset/global-aids-monitoring_en.pdf).