Appropriate second VL test

Export Indicator

Percentage of people receiving ART with VL ≥1000 copies /ml who received a follow-up VL test within 6 months after enhanced adherence counselling (or according to national guidelines)
What it measures

This indicator measures the extent to which people living with HIV with non-suppressed VL receive appropriate follow-up VL testing to check virologic suppression.

  • Virologic suppression is essential to the 95-95-95 related impact goals, including HIV elimination.
  • This indicator complements the VL testing coverage (AV.6) and VL suppression (AV.3) indicators.

Number of people living with HIV on ART who received a follow-up VL test within 6 months after a VL test result of ≥1000 copies/ml during the reporting period


Number of people living with HIV on ART with VL ≥1000 copies/ml during the reporting period

Method of measurement

For the numerator and denominator. Programme records (for example, ART registers, EMRs)

The recommended maximum reporting period is 12 months. Shorter reporting intervals, for example, three months, are recommended where feasible.

  • Gender (male, female, transgender)
  • Age (0-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15-19, 20-24, 25-49, 50+)
  • Key populations (men who have sex with men, people living in prisons and other closed settings, people who inject drugs, sex workers, transgender people)
  • ART regimen
  • Receipt of enhanced adherence counselling (yes/no/unknown).
Further information