Browse Indicators

Indicator title
(TX_CURR) Number of adults and children currently receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART)
(TX_ML) Number of ART patients (who were on ART at the beginning of the quarterly reporting period) and then had no clinical contact since their last expected contact
(TX_NEW) Number of adults and children newly enrolled on antiretroviral therapy (ART)
(TX_RTT) Number of ART patients with no clinical contact (or ARV drug pick-up) for greater than 28 days since their last expected contact who restarted ARVs within the reporting period
(TX_TB) Proportion of ART patients screened for TB in the semiannual reporting period who start TB treatment
(TX_PVLS) Percentage of ART patients with a suppressed viral load (VL) result (<1000 copies/ml) documented in the medical or laboratory records/laboratory information systems (LIS) within the past 12 months
(EMR_SITE) Number of PEPFAR-supported facilities that have an electronic medical record (EMR) system
(HRH_CURR) Number of health workers who are working on HIV-related activities and are receiving any type of support from PEPFAR, as well as total spend on these workers
(HRH_PRE) Number of new health workers who graduated from a pre-service training institution or program as a result of PEPFAR-supported strengthening efforts, within the reporting period, by select cadre
(LAB_PTCQI) Number of PEPFAR-supported laboratory-based testing and/or Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) sites engaged in continuous quality Improvement (CQI) and proficiency testing (PT) activities
(SC_ARVDISP) The number of adult and pediatric ARV bottles (units) dispensed by ARV drug category at the end of the reporting period
(SC_CURR) The current number of ARV drug units (bottles) at the end of the reporting period by ARV drug category
(DIAGNOSED_NAT) Percentage of people living with HIV who know their HIV status
(TX_CURR_NAT) Percentage of people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy
(VL_SUPPRESSION_NAT) Percentage of people living with HIV who have suppressed viral loads at the end of the reporting period
(PMTCT_STAT_NAT) Percentage of pregnant women with known HIV status
(PMTCT_ART_NAT) Percentage of HIV-positive pregnant women who received antiretroviral medicine (ARV) during pregnancy to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission
(VMMC_CIRC_NAT) Number of males circumcised during the reporting period according to national standards
(VMMC_TOTALCIRC_NAT) Percentage of men ever circumcised
(HRH_STAFF_NAT) Number of health workers who are working on any HIV-related activities (i.e., prevention, treatment and other HIV support) based out of PEPFAR-supported facility sites
(KP_MAT_NAT) Percentage of people who inject drugs (PWID) on medication assisted therapy
